Customer Testimonial

“I’ve had the pleasure of working with IDS over a five year period on projects that include product industrial design, product displays, product renders, and graphic design. They consistently deliver a high quality product, customer first mentality, have a wide range of capabilities, always responsive, and the integrity desired in a partner.”

Customer Testimonial

“Working with IDS, I found their team professional and able in providing a number of different solutions, from design to modeling to prototypes. They provided creative, collaborative and timely support to deliver the solutions we needed. The IDS experience was overall very positive for our business.”

Customer Testimonial

“Integrated Design Solutions was an absolute pleasure to work with. The team worked diligently with us to find a solution that best suited our needs, and the final product has been incredibly well-received by our customers. IDS was also flexible enough to adapt to changes we had to make during the design process, and worked…

Customer Testimonial

“IDS shows high creativity and differentiation in their designs. They are open innovation company and continue to explore new ways and bring them to customer. Their strength in industrial designs and electro mechanical systems helped us to get prototypes fast.”